Friday, February 14, 2014

Animation Practice 4: Deep.

One of our major projects this year is working this shot film project: Deep. This is a real live brief, being directed and produced by one of our senior lectures, Derek Hayes. The production has been in the works for a while now, on and off, and includes work from both the professional industry and now is incorporating students too. 

As part of our module, have been given a selection of shots / scenes that are available, with a variety of roles within those shots or scenes. Ideally I was after any sort of animating role, or failing that, backgrounds / concept / character work. Anything that involved drawing. Luckily, myself and my group have been assigned to one of the most important scenes of the film, which is the final climax scene. It involves a lot of work, and we were told upfront it is going to be a challenge, any work that they don't like (which could be all of it) can and will be scrapped completely. However we are all up for the challenge, and my team (which includes Carl, Ben, James and Jordan) are all very keen to do it justice.

In terms of the team roles, four of us are animators  / designers (Myself, Carl,  Ben and Jordan) while James has been assigned technical director. Our scene consists of 22 shots of varying time scales and some with animation, some without. It takes place in a snowy woodland scene, and there is a lot of tension within the scene. 

Below is one of the concept pieces we were given to try and illustrate what it might look like, however we have been given quite a lot of free reign in terms of design, and Derek said he wasn't actually too keen on this image. However we are aware that he wants in the a sort of Hellboy comic style; black and white, stark contrast and very graphical, with limited colour when appropriate. 

The first step for us is to really pin down  a style, develop the characters in the scene and begin animation tests. 

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